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Waiting on Wednesday: The Queens of Innis Lear

Wednesday's are such gloomy days of the week. Everyone in the office gets all excited because it's "hump day" and I'm over here going... "more like mid-week slump day". But guess what! Now there's a reason to love Wednesday's. Why do you ask? Because we can chat about books! This Wednesday I'm waiting on and thinking about and way too excited to wait until MARCH 2018 for The Queens of Innis Lear.


Page Count: 576 pages

Genre: Fantasy

Publisher: Tor Books

Release Date: March 27, 2018


Reasons why I'm excited beyond excitment..

1. the cover is amazing, well done Tor Books (heart eyes)

2. it's a re-telling of King Lear through the view of his daughters (gasp)

3. it's pitched as a Game of Thrones esque story (do we need to say more??)

4. that tag line "blood will have blood" (has me dancing around my living room!)

Doesn't all of that sound awesome? If you're still questioning my excitement just read the synopsis below and go put it on your Goodreads TBR already.


A kingdom at risk, a crown divided, a family drenched in blood. The erratic decisions of a prophecy-obsessed king have drained Innis Lear of its wild magic, leaving behind a trail of barren crops and despondent subjects. Enemy nations circle the once-bountiful isle, sensing its growing vulnerability, hungry to control the ideal port for all trade routes. The king's three daughters—battle-hungry Gaela, master manipulator Reagan, and restrained, starblessed Elia—know the realm's only chance of resurrection is to crown a new sovereign, proving a strong hand can resurrect magic and defend itself. But their father will not choose an heir until the longest night of the year, when prophecies align and a poison ritual can be enacted. Refusing to leave their future in the hands of blind faith, the daughters of Innis Lear prepare for war—but regardless of who wins the crown, the shores of Innis will weep the blood of a house divided.


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