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Backlist Blast! [1]

Welcome to Backlist Blast!

Flavia from FlaviaTheBibliophile and I are so excited to share this weekly meme! We were chatting about how backlist books (books that have been released for more than 6 months) don't get enough attention! So we wanted to create a meme everyone could join and share their favourite books that are not new releases. Hopefully this will help everyone tackle those books that have been waiting patiently on our TBRs for months and months! Join us and comment on our posts with your links so we can come see! Or tag us on social media. If you're having trouble thinking of what to pick visit the INFO PAGE Flavia has put together. Also note, you do not have to participate every week we want this to be fun and a way to read some of those books you've been waiting to read.


Title: Deathless

Page Count: 352 pages

Release Date: March 29, 2011

Genre: Fantasy

Publisher: Tor Books


Deathless was released March 29, 2011 and it's been on my shelves for about a year now. Reasons why Deathless caught my eye...

The cover looks super intriguing, who are those people in the back, why is she holding a flag, who is in the car behind her??!

The synopsis speaks of the Death of Koschei the Deathless, I need to know more!!

Valente has written some amazing books and I wanted to read more by her so I happened to pick this one!



Koschei the Deathless is to Russian folklore what devils or wicked witches are to European culture: a menacing, evil figure; the villain of countless stories which have been passed on through story and text for generations. But Koschei has never before been seen through the eyes of Catherynne Valente, whose modernized and transformed take on the legend brings the action to modern times, spanning many of the great developments of Russian history in the twentieth century. Deathless, however, is no dry, historical tome: it lights up like fire as the young Marya Morevna transforms from a clever child of the revolution, to Koschei’s beautiful bride, to his eventual undoing. Along the way there are Stalinist house elves, magical quests, secrecy and bureaucracy, and games of lust and power. All told, Deathless is a collision of magical history and actual history, of revolution and mythology, of love and death, which will bring Russian myth back to life in a stunning new incarnation.


Let's hope I read it soon, soon! Join me?

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