May 2018 Wrap-Up

I read way more in May than I thought! 11 books! They were all over the place in terms of ratings. Emergency Contact is probably one of my favourite contemporaries I've ever read (not that I've read many haha) so if you're looking for a good summer read definitely pick that one up! Grace & Fury was such a great fantasy book I was really happy with the way that one turned out! I also dove into a self-help book, The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F***, which was a fun read as well. The greatest part about May was that I found a new quick series to read. I was feeling lonely without October Daye in my life so I picked up the Charley Davidson series and it's so much fun!! A girl who can see ghosts (i.e.: she's the Grim Reaper) solves crimes while helping the deceased cross over. It's super fun and hilarious and the references are great! How did your May turn out?
Total Pages Read = 4,177
Average Rating = 3.8 stars
Physical Copies
Furyborn by Claire Legrand: 3.5 stars
Alternative Remedies For Loss by Joanna Cantor: 4 stars
Emergency Contact by Mary HK Choi: 5 stars
The Way You Make Me Feel by Maurene Goo: 3 stars
The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F**** by Mark Manson: 3.5 stars
Grace & Fury by Tracy Banghart: 4.5 stars
All The Ever Afters by Danielle Teller: 3.5 stars
From Twinkle With Love by Sandhya Menon: 4 stars
First Grave On The Right (Charley Davidson #1) by Darynda Jones: 4 stars
Second Grave On The Left (Charley Davidson #2) by Darynda Jones: 4 stars
Girls Made of Snow & Glass by Melissa Bashardoust: 3.5 stars
Other Posts In May
Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornoll: 4 stars
What's new on bookstagram? It was a bit of a slow month in terms of photographing and posting on bookstagram but I did enjoy taking this shot! I liked playing with the shadows for this one and it was May's Indigo Teen Pick! Click on the image to see more posts.