June 2018 Wrap-Up

This was quite a strange month for me with books. It was extremely underwhelming and I haven't rated books this low in some time. Perhaps it wasn't the time to read these? Or I might be due for some tv binging. I just found myself disliking characters and plots and themes and overall writing. It just wasn't my month. I will say though that Sweet Black Waves was absolutely breathtaking and you all should buy it as it was the only book I gave 5 stars and the only book that deserves so much more. Overall 9 book were read, 8 physical and 1 ebook and somehow all of them were muddled in the middle except for Sweet Black Waves.
Total Pages Read = 3,288
Average Rating = 3 stars
Physical Copies
Sweet Black Waves by Kristina Perez: 5 stars
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne: 2 stars
Without Merit by Colleen Hoover: 2.5 stars
Royals by Rachel Hawkins: 3 stars
Sea Witch by Sarah Henning: 3 stars
The Forest Queen by Betsy Cornwall: 2.5 stars
Heart of Thorns by Bree Barton: 2.5 stars
Third Grave Dead Ahead (Charley Davidson #3) by Darynda Jones: 3 stars
Other Posts In June
What's new on bookstagram? I've been playing around with a theme for the instagram and decided to go for a forest aesthetic. Most of my posts now have a single feel to them and I'm having fun with the photography. Click on the photo to see more, hope you like it!