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Labyrinth Lost: Bruja's, The Underworld & Strange Creatures


Nothing says Happy Birthday like summoning the spirits of your dead relatives. I fall to my knees. Shattered glass, melted candles and the outline of scorched feathers are all that surround me. Every single person who was in my house – my entire family — is gone. Alex is a bruja, the most powerful witch in a generation…and she hates magic. At her Deathday celebration, Alex performs a spell to rid herself of her power. But it backfires. Her whole family vanishes into thin air, leaving her alone with Nova, a brujo boy she can’t trust. A boy whose intentions are as dark as the strange markings on his skin. The only way to get her family back is to travel with Nova to Los Lagos, a land in-between, as dark as Limbo and as strange as Wonderland… Beautiful Creatures meets Daughter of Smoke and Bone with an infusion of Latin American tradition in this highly original fantasy adventure.

Page Count: 324 pages

Genre: Fantasy // Young Adult

Rating: 4 stars

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Release Date: August 1, 2017


Hello reader, please be advised that Milana is currently hyperventilating into a paper bag because this book was so great!

For months now I have been searching for a book about witches. I love fantasy and I always gravitate towards books about witches. The hunt was on and I was just about to give up on when I won Labyrinth Lost in a giveaway! As soon as I saw the cover and read the words "burja" I knew this was the perfect book for me.

Can we take a moment to discuss the cover? Isn't it just beautiful! I can't stop staring at it. And then I remember this is just the ARC and I wonder what the finished copy is going to look like. Not only is the cover amazing but the inside of the book has been crafted to perfection. The attention to detail is immaculate and each chapter has a quote pertaining to the book. I won't spoil it for you because you just have to experience it for yourself!

From the beginning this book was action packed. At no point in this book did I want to take a pause and go do something else. I just kept wanting more. This is so rare for me that when it happens I do something completely embarrassing... I may or may not hug the book and squeal.

In the beginning we are introduced to 3 sisters, 3 witches (brujas). Alex (typical protagonist with no powers but who is clearly special), Lela (healer) and Rose (psychic). As you're reading you're thinking okay this is definitely YA but I can get on board because the characters are funny and there's a hint to magic. A few chapters down the line and you're hooked! I know you will be because how can you not when this book is deliciously gory, evil, good, funny, dark, mysterious, fast-paced, _____enter all the adjectives here____.

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