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The Girl With The Lower Back Tattoo: A Memoir


In The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo, Amy mines her past for stories about her teenage years, her family, relationships, and sex and shares the experiences that have shaped who she is - a woman with the courage to bare her soul to stand up for what she believes in, all while making us laugh. Ranging from the raucous to the romantic, the heartfelt to the harrowing, this highly entertaining and universally appealing collection is the literary equivalent of a night out with your best friends - an unforgettable and fun adventure that you wish could last forever.

Whether she's experiencing lust-at-first-sight while in the airport security line, sharing her own views on love and marriage, admitting to being an introvert, or discovering her cross-fit instructor's secret bad habit, Amy Schumer proves to be a bighearted, brave, and thoughtful storyteller that will leave you nodding your head in recognition, laughing out loud, and sobbing uncontrollably - but only because it's over.

Author: Amy Schumer

Page Count: 323 pages

Genre: Autobiography // Nonfiction // Memoir

Book Rating: 3 stars

App Rating: 5 stars

Publisher: Gallery Books

Release Date: August 16, 2016

Listen To It: // use "COUPLE" for a free audiobook listen!


The Book & Narration

So prior to listening to this I had very little info on who Amy was, what she was like and why she was such a controversial person in the media. After reading, she's quite the cracker! What a life! She's had such a strange path and it was so great to listen her read it! She actually has a very good reading voice. The content of the book felt like a mish mash like so many celebrity books, I don't know why I love reading and now listening, to them.

Things I Learned From Amy Schumer

1. It's okay to sleep with stuffed animals no matter what age you are.

2. Ladies, enjoy your body, your wants and your needs.

3. NYC renting is not glamorous.

4. Comedians are usually introverted.

5. The game "clue" can be damaging to your psyche if you play as a child.

The App

I need to rave about, what a fantastic app! I absolutely loved it. It was great to be introduced to audiobooks in this way as the app was easy to use and so great to search for books! This came at such a perfect time as I was at a conference and in the evening I was too tired to read so instead I listened. My reading game has changed, I now listen to books on my commute instead of listening to the same 10 songs on the radio! Thank you so much audiobooks! Check them out, highly recommend!

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