Top Ten Tuesday: Characters Who Would Make Great Leaders of The Underworld

In keeping with my spooky themes lately I’ve decided to list top 10 characters who would be amazing leaders of the underworld! If your initial thought was my number 1 pick let us know in the comments, I mean ...she is the absolute worst. Scroll down to see who!
10. Cersei Lannister
She is incredibly evil and organized she'd rock the underworld!

Chapters Indigo // Book Depository // Goodreads 9. The Walrus & The Carpenter
I was absolutely terrified of the whole Alice In Wonderland story but the character who scared me most of all was The Walrus! He EATS all the little baby clams! What is UP with that! He'd make a terrifying leader..

8. Macbeth & Lady Macbeth
Of course these two would make the list! They'd be fantastic leaders of the underworld.

7. Dracula
I couldn't not include the OG Nosferatu!

6. Night King Who's the leader of the white walkers? ...Yeah that one!

5. Nashira Sargas
I looove Nashira, she'd be such a conniving leader.

4. Queen Maeve She is actually SUPER terrifying. I would not want to be in her version of the Underworld.

Chapters Indigo // Book Depository // Goodreads 3. Miss Trunchball
Oh gosh if her leadership at the CHILDREN'S school is any indication of what she'd be like as leader of the underworld I would not cross that river.

2. The Witch-King
Oh shoot, we are SO s****** if he's in charge, especially with the ring.

1. Professor Umbridge
If she isn't the number 1 great leader of the underworld I don't know who is, terrifying.