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Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine: An Audiobook Review


Meet Eleanor Oliphant: She struggles with appropriate social skills and tends to say exactly what she’s thinking.

Nothing is missing in her carefully timetabled life of avoiding social interactions, where weekends are punctuated by frozen pizza, vodka, and phone chats with Mummy. All this means that Eleanor has become a creature of habit (to say the least) and a bit of a loner. But everything changes when Eleanor meets Raymond, the bumbling and deeply unhygienic IT guy from her office.

When she and Raymond together save Sammy, an elderly gentleman who has fallen on the sidewalk, the three become the kinds of friends who rescue one another from the lives of isolation they have each been living. And it is Raymond’s big heart that will ultimately help Eleanor find the way to repair her own profoundly damaged one.

Author: Gail Honeyman

Page Count: 327 pages

Genre: Fiction

Book Rating: 5 stars

App Rating: 5 stars

Publisher: Viking, an imprint of Penguin Random House

Release Date: May 9, 2017

Listen To It:, use "COUPLE" to listen to it for free!


The Audiobook

I loved this audiobook! The voice for Eleanor was amazing!! I truly though Eleanor herself was narrating her own story. It just felt so real and raw. The narrator also did an awesome Scottish accent and her Raymond was spot on. Well done, WELL DONE.

I love using the app. It's easy to use and you can download the books to the app to save on data! There's also speeds you can put the audiobook at to listen to it at a slower pace if you wish. I find it handy! You can try it for free by visiting and using "COUPLE" as your promo code!

The Book

How can I talk about this book without completely sounding ridiculous because all I want to do is gush about how amazing it was! So let's get that out of the way shall we? THIS BOOK WAS AMAZING. *screams from a rooftop*

I'm serious, I loved this book. It was equal parts charming, equal parts funny, equal parts serious and equal parts important. Eleanor was such a special character I just wanted to bundle her up in a blanket and hug her. She'd love it and think I was completely insane at the same time. There were so many strong themes in this one that kept me interested in her story. I loved it so much I want to go and read the book after listening to it. This will make my top 5 reads of 2018 for sure!

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