The Smallest Part: Simply Wonderful // ARC Review

It was a big lie. The biggest lie she’d ever told. It reverberated through her head as she said it, ringing eerily, and the girl behind her eyes—the girl who knew the truth—screamed, and her scream echoed along with the lie. “Are you in love with Noah, Mercedes?” Cora asked. “I mean . . . I know you love him. You’ve been friends forever. We all have. But are you in love with him?” If it had been anyone else—anyone—Mercedes would have stuck out her chest, folded her skinny arms, and let her feelings be known. She would have claimed him. But it was Cora. Brave, beautiful, broken Cora, and Cora loved Noah too. So Mercedes lied. And with that lie, she lost him. With that lie, she sealed her fate. She was the best friend, the bridesmaid, the godmother, the glue. She was there for the good times and the bad, the ups and the downs, the biggest moments and the smallest parts. And she was there when it all came crashing down. This is the tale of the girl who didn’t get the guy.
Title: The Smallest Part
Author: Amy Harmon
Page Count: 325 pages
Genre: Romance // Fiction
Rating: 5 stars
Publisher: Amazon
Release Date: February 13, 2018
Buy It: Amazon
Here we are with another Amy Harmon release and here we are with another puddle of tears from me. I was about a quarter through The Smallest Part when I decided to go to a coffee shop and read with a drink in my hand, you know, for a change of scenery. Just so you know this was a huge mistake on my part. Why? Because I had forgotten how much EMOTION Amy's words bring out in me. So there I was in Starbucks with my green tea latte trying not to sob during a pivotal moment in the book. It did not work. I cried big fat tears and kept wiping my them from underneath my glasses, which is in and of itself a very awkward and difficult task. The lady next to me asked if I was okay and I just showed her my kindle with the cover and she said "oh wow, I'll look it up". You better have looked it up random woman from Starbucks!!
I adored the characters in this book so much! As the story unfolded I found myself drawing closer and closer to them. The flashbacks to their childhood was so well interwoven I kept wanting to learn more about their friendships. Often I find I get annoyed by books that switch from current time to the past, especially if it's the same characters because I get antsy, but Amy just melded them seamlessly. Although I cried a lot while reading this is actually a wonderfully happy story and I'm so glad it was brought to life.
It's heartwarming, heartbreaking, uplifting, and completely amazing! You need to grab The Smallest Part ASAP!
**Thank you to Amy Harmon for sending me an ARC for an honest review.**