Follows two fiercely independent young women, centuries apart, who hold the power to save their world...or doom it. When assassins ambush her best friend, the crown prince, Rielle Dardenne risks everything to save him, exposing her ability to perform all seven kinds of elemental magic. The only people who should possess this extraordinary power are a pair of prophesied queens: a queen of light and salvation and a queen of blood and destruction. To prove she is the Sun Queen, Rielle must endure seven trials to test her magic. If she fails, she will be executed...unless the trials kill her first. A thousand years later, the legend of Queen Rielle is a mere fairy tale to bounty hunter Eliana Ferracora. When the Undying Empire conquered her kingdom, she embraced violence to keep her family alive. Now, she believes herself untouchable--until her mother vanishes without a trace, along with countless other women in their city. To find her, Eliana joins a rebel captain on a dangerous mission and discovers that the evil at the heart of the empire is more terrible than she ever imagined. As Rielle and Eliana fight in a cosmic war that spans millennia, their stories intersect, and the shocking connections between them ultimately determine the fate of their world--and of each other.
Title: Furyborn
Author: Claire Legrand
Page Count: 512 pages
Genre: Fantasy // Young Adult
Rating: 3.5 stars
Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Release Date: May 22, 2018
Buy It: Chapters Indigo // Book Depository
Be prepared to open this book and be catapulted into a brand new world! Seriously buckle your seat belt because right off the bat you have to be ready or you'll fall out of your seat. If you're a fan of alternating point of views you'll really enjoy Furyborn. Each chapter switches between the past and future with two characters that intertwine. There's magic. There's suspense. There's action.
I enjoyed Furyborn and really loved the concept. I'm always a fan of those "anti-heroes" and am always looking for my next fave villain. In Furyborn the author put a spin on those concepts and showed us not all is black and white. Definitely pick up a copy for yourself if you're looking for a new fantasy obsession!
**Thank you a thousand times Sourcebooks Fire for sending me a copy of the ARC in exchange for an honest review.**