Backlist Blast! [4]

Welcome to the backlist blast vault. This is where you'll find all the posts dedicated to books that have been published years before! It's time we tackle that giant tbr pile once and for all and give some love to books that have been published prior to the last 6 months. If you'd like to join me just shoot me a message/email that you've participated so I can see your post! Visit FlaviaTheBibliophile for more!

Title: The Black Prism
Author: Brent Weeks
Page Count: 661 pages
Release Date: July 2, 2013
Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Orbit Books
Buy It: Chapters Indigo // Book Depository
This is one of those books I see floating around the bookstore and an author that has almost an entire shelf just for their books. After years of seeing it I had 3 friends recommend it to me in one week last year so I finally grabbed a copy. I think it's time to dive in now! I've been looking at all my adult fiction titles I haven't read but wasn't focusing on the fantasy books I still need to tackle. I am READY.
Guile is the Prism, the most powerful man in the world. He is high priest and emperor, a man whose power, wit, and charm are all that preserves a tenuous peace. Yet Prisms never last, and Guile knows exactly how long he has left to live. When Guile discovers he has a son, born in a far kingdom after the war that put him in power, he must decide how much he's willing to pay to protect a secret that could tear his world apart.