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Under Rose-Tainted Skies


At seventeen, Norah has accepted that the four walls of her house delineate her life. She knows that fearing everything from inland tsunamis to odd numbers is irrational, but her mind insists the world outside is too big, too dangerous. So she stays safe inside, watching others’ lives through her windows and social media feed. But when Luke arrives on her doorstep, he doesn’t see a girl defined by medical terms and mental health. Instead, he sees a girl who is funny, smart, and brave. And Norah likes what he sees. Their friendship turns deeper, but Norah knows Luke deserves a normal girl. One who can walk beneath the open sky. One who is unafraid of kissing. One who isn’t so screwed up. Can she let him go for his own good—or can Norah learn to see herself through Luke’s eyes?

Page Count: 330 pages

Genre: Contemporary // Young Adult

Rating: 4 stars

Publisher: HMH Teen

Release Date: January 3, 2017


A heavy book is something you just need to read. This book was HEAVY. It was hard to read at times but only because it was so well written. The author herself has struggled with mental illness and it's so amazing she was able to infuse her story into the book. I hope this book helps those in need and those suffering. It will help readers know they're not alone. I also liked that this book was real, it felt real and didn't shy away from the hard side of mental illness.

The mother-daughter relationship in this book is beautiful. I highly recommend parents to read this who have children who suffer from mental illness. This book packs a punch and opens the eyes to something that eyes cannot see.

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