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War Cry


On the high plains, war is life. Teado has been a part of the war effort for as long as he can remember. His childhood was spent in the aircraft and ammunition factories until his power manifested.

Now he is on the front lines, fighting the great war as one of the monstrous shapeshifting wizards that are all but extinct after decades of battle. Behind enemy lines, Teado’s special operations platoon plays a deadly game of cat and mouse, sabotaging and demoralizing the enemy. But food is scarce.

The enemy has pushed their main forces back further and their requests for resupply have gone unanswered. They will make one last dangerous bid for survival and, maybe, change the course of the war forever.

Title: War Cry

Page Count: 95 pages

Genre: Fantasy // Science Fiction

Rating: 4.5 stars

Publisher: TorDotCom

Release Date: August 28, 2018


I just cannot rave enough about TorDotCom and their impressive novella publications. Every time they publish a novella I’m impressed with the care they take to pick books that touch so many topics that concern society. The authors they publish have this wonderful ability to interweave fantasy and science fiction with real issues at hand in a fluid way. I’ve learned so much from Binti and The Wayward Children series that I know I need more. I need to read more TorDotCom publications because it fuels my brain.

So here we are with a new review!

War Cry by Brian McClellan. Have you read Brian McClellan’s Powder Mage series? If you have you’ll know that he can create characters with emotion that is a staple of the fantasy genre, and he does it in a way that gives depth to the story.

War Cry was him at his best! Only 95 pages and yet I’m still thinking about the characters a week later. The dystopian world had me glued to the page and the fantasy elements were so well interlaced. I really wish we could have more.. do you hear me Brian? More please!

Fantasy/Science Fiction fans out there grab this one if you want a short but excellent read!

**Thank you TorDotCom for sending me a copy for an honest review.**

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