August Wrap-Up

August flew by and just like that summer wraps up as well, even though it's still 30 degrees celsius outside it still feels like fall is coming. Even though August flew by so fast I managed to read ...drumroll... 18 books. GASP. That is the most I've read in a single month. Holy moly! And a lot of them were really good.
War Cry was fantastic, I really want more from Brian McClellan in that world. The Art of French Kissing was adorable, all you romantics will love it and my re-read of The Hobbit was much needed. Read on for all the titles!
Total Pages Read = 4,751
Average Rating = 4.1 stars
Physical Copies
Ayesha At Last by Uzma Jadaluddin: 4.5 stars
Grim Lovelies by Megan Shepard: 3 stars
Finding Baba Yaga by Jane Yolen: 4 stars
The Art of French Kissing by Brianna R Shrum: 4 stars
Bizarre Romance by Audrey Niffenegger: 2 stars
Monday's Not Coming by Tiffany D. Jackson: 3.5 stars
The Lost Flowers of Alice Hart by Holly Ringland: 4 stars
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien: 5 stars
War Cry by Brian McClellan: 4.5 stars
The Black Gods Thunder by Djeli P Clark: 4.5 stars
I Believe In A Thing Called Love by Maureen Goo: 3.5 stars
The Dark Descent of Elizabeth Frankenstein by Kiersten White: 4 stars
The City on the Other Side by Mariahread Scott: 4 stars
White As Milk, Red As Blood by Franz Xaver von Schonwerth: 5 stars
Open Mic Night at Westminster Cemetery by Mary Amato: 5 stars
Locke & Key: Volume 1 by Joe Hill: 5 stars
Saga: Volume 7 by Brian K. Vaughan: 5 stars
Spinning Silver by Namoi Novik: 4.5 stars
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What's new on bookstagram!? Well, I've had a bit of a change in terms of my theme. Just expanding the background into something more versatile with a more neutral background. I'll still be using my signature wood though! Click on the photo to see more on instagram.