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April 2018 Wrap-Up

Wow April just flew by! And with it all my reading hours, haha! It was a bit of a whirlwind month so I didn't get to as many books as I wanted. However! The books I did read were all amazing! Each book was over 4 stars. I don't think I've ever had a month like that. It was a bittersweet month because I caught up to the October Daye series.. bitter because I'm all caught up and now have to wait year by year for the next book and sweet because I've caught up and see the whole picture of this wonderful series and I absolutely love it!

Total Pages Read = 2,530

Average Rating = 4.4 stars


Physical Copies

Into The Starlit Wood, a collection of short stories: 4 stars

Sky In The Deep by Adrienne Young: 5 stars

Save The Date by Morgan Matson: 4.5 stars

Let Me Lie by Claire MackIntosh: 4 stars

Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall: 4 stars

The Storied Life of AJ Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin: 5 stars


The Brightest Fell, an October Daye novel by Seanan McGuire: 4 stars


Other Posts In April


How was your reading month? Did you have any 5 star reads?! I am still shocked by how awesome April was! Over on instagram I had some creative juices flowing and I re-created the labels for CanterburyRoadCo candles. One of my favourite photoshoots for products. Hope you enjoy! Click on them to see more over on instagram!

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